Thursday 26 January 2017

East Coast GRC IAECs Networking Session!

On 22 Jan 2017 (Sun) from 8.30am to 4.00pm, East Coast GRC IAECs held the 2nd Networking Session at Indian Heritage Centre, Campbell Lane. Singapore.

It was an enriching networking session attended by about 40 members. Dr Fadzil Hamzah, Staff Registrar, Changi Sports Medicine Centre shared about the diabetes situation in South East District.

Dr Maliki Osman - Mayor of South East District; Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Defence & Member of Parliament for Siglap Constituency was the Guest of Honour.

 KCC-IAEC Members demonstrated cohesiveness, active and spontaneous spirit in presentation.

Dr Kalpana Bhaskaran , Manager, Nutrition Research; Head, Glycemic Index Research Unit & Vice-President of Diabetic Society of Singapore gave a splendid presentation on the kind of food one should eat

It was a very interactive session. l am proud of my team from Kg Chai Chee CC - IAEC to have actively participated in the session.

- Mr. Haridass Govindarajan
Chairman, Kampong Chai Chee IAEC