Wednesday 9 October 2019

Hay Dairies Goat Farm and Haw Par Villa Tour!

The Cultural & Heritage Sub-com with Youth & Children Club of Kg Chai Chee CC-IAEC, jointly organised an educational tour to Hay Dairies Goat Farm and Haw Par Villa on 8 Sep 2019 (Sun), 9:00am to 4:00pm.  A total of 42 participants, both young and senior citizens from different ethnic groups came for this tour.    

It was an enriching experience for many at the Hay Dairies Goat Farm.  From toddler to adults – they were seen to be very enthusiastic and enjoyed spending their time witnessing the milking of the goats and also had great fun in feeding the goats with packets of Alfalfa grasses.  Each participant receives a bottle of fresh goat milk (chocolate flavour). 

The whole farm was well maintained and managed.  It is the only Goat Farm in Singapore.  Information about the goats and the farm were briefed by one gentleman.  It was something new for many to know the facts about the nutritional value in goat’s milk.  It is close to mother’s milk as both are alkaline in nature.  Hay Dairies goat milk is pasteurised at a low temperature and no preservatives are added during the process.

Our next stop was at Haw Par Villa.  The group of participants embarked on an unforgettable journey into Chinese folklore, legend and mythology at the Haw Par Villa Asian Cultural Park.  Haw Par Villa is located on a hill in Pasir Panjang and was once known as Tiger Balm Gardens.  It is also famous for its vivid depictions of the Ten Courts of Hell from Chinese folklore.   Besides its trademark attraction, the cultural park is home to over 1,000 statues and 150 dioramas, depicting surreal scenes from legendary works of Chinese literature such as Journey To The West, Madam White Snake and the stories of the Eight Immortals.

The participants were each given a packet of vegetarian or non-vegetarian meals with a bottle of mineral water for lunch.  It was indeed an enjoyable trip throughout the journey.  It is yet another successful project of Kg Chai Chee CC-IAEC.  Thanks to the organising team of members from the two groups.

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